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Application Requirements




Motivation and character of the applicant are crucial. The candidate must have excellent communication skills, flexibility, independence, self-training and self-study skills, and willingness and ability to step out of his/her comfort zone.

  • A cumulative GPA of 3.25.

  • B.A. or M.A. holder (Italian major or minor preferred). Candidate must be recently graduated or Ph.D. student specializing in Italian language and culture recently graduated. In both cases the graduation date must take place between June 2023 and June 2024.

  • Knowledge of Italian (Italian majors and minors, in order, will have the priority)

  • In absence of the above mentioned preferred requisite in Italian, completion of at least 3 semesters of University level Italian with a minimum of "B" is required. If not the case, proof of the equivalent proficiency and knowledge of Italian will be considered at the discretion of the selecting institution and the program coordinators.

  • Prior teaching experience to non-native speakers (preferably ESL experience) is a plus.

  • Experience studying or working abroad, or participation in cross-cultural activities in North America is a plus.


If a candidate's GPA does not meet the 3.25 requirement, the university may still proceed forward with candidate selection provided the quality of the applicant is demonstrated as notwithstanding, ideal for the internship. In any case, the SITE Program Coordinators reserve the right to reject candidates who do not meet program criteria.


Non-US Citizens

Candidates who do not hold US citizenship are welcome to apply as long as they have native  fluency in English and holds both a high school and a bachelor's diploma from North American institutions. If in doubt, please contact the SITE Program at; special cases will be taken under consideration.


© 2023 SITE Program Lombardy

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